Live Virtual Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

Feasibility of a statewide approach to the implementation of PROMS in routine cancer care (#46)

Penelope M Webb 1
  1. QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Presented on behalf of The PROMISE Trial Investigators.

The routine collection of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) has the potential to inform and enhance cancer care. It is now feasible for patients to complete electronic PROMs (e-PROMs) providing information about their current levels of symptoms, side-effects of treatment and other concerns prior to attending clinic for treatment or follow-up. PROM scores can be tracked over time, potentially allowing more timely identification of problems and more appropriate intervention. Studies show clear benefits in patient-clinician communication when PROMs are used but information about the effects on health outcomes and, particularly, the cost-effectiveness of incorporating this information into practice is limited. e-PROM tools are being developed for use in cancer care in Australia but whether they will be effective and, importantly, cost-effective in the Australian context is unknown. Furthermore, different institutions are developing their own tools with limited coordination between sites. We are conducting a multi-site, randomised hybrid effectiveness/implementation trial (‘PROMISE’) to evaluate both the implementation and the effectiveness/cost-effectiveness of using e-PROMs in routine cancer care to improve patient outcomes. We hypothesise that, compared to usual care, patients randomised to use an e-PROM tool will have fewer unplanned hospital presentations/admissions and report better health-related quality of life and greater satisfaction with their care, and that the e-PROM tool will be cost-effective compared with usual care. The ultimate goals are to develop a consistent statewide approach to the use of these tools in cancer care in Queensland. In this presentation we will discuss progress with the PROMISE trial.