Robyn A Clark Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

Robyn A Clark

Prof Robyn Clark is a senior clinician and senior researcher; she holds qualifications as a Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife and Critical Care Nurse, a Master’s Degree in Education and a PhD. Prof Clark is a Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow, a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, Fellow of the American Heart Association and Life Member of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses. Prof Clark was the inaugural recipient of a National Institute of Clinical Studies (NICS-NHMRC) PhD scholarship supported by the National Heart Foundation for researching telemonitored heart failure management in rural and remote Australia She completed a NHMRC Australian Training Fellowship at the Queensland University of Technology in 2013 after which she commenced her appointment at Flinders University in as Prof of Acute Care and Cardiovascular Research. Prof Robyn Clark is internationally recognised for her research into the most effective management of patients with heart failure and cardiovascular disease. Prof Clark’s research program can be summarized under the overall theme of increasing ACCESS to evidence-based care for underserviced and disadvantaged populations. Prof Clark’s program of research has three streams: stream one focuses upon improving access the heart failure and cardiovascular disease services for patients and communities especially in rural and remote Australia. This suite of research is recognized for its innovative methods, particularly its emphasis on geographical epidemiological analysis using GIS. The second stream involves the use of information technology to bridge the gap between cardiac specialist centers and populations with limited access to cardiology services or to patients with low health literacy. This suite of research includes the evaluation of telehealth, apps and avatars as tools to deliver education and secondary interventions for heart failure and cardiac rehabilitation. The third theme is centred on improving access for patients with cardiotoxicity after cancer treatment to appropriate cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention. Prof Clark has a strong background in epidemiology and linked data analysis and in the last 10 years has been working with cancer researchers in investigate the epidemiology and patient outcomes of CVD after cancer treatment. All of these streams underpin a cohesive research strategy that aims to build capacity in cardiovascular care supported by innovative technology.

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