Post Notification Withdrawal Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

Barriers to participation in breast and cervical cancer screening (Analysis of international research) (#312)

Aleksandra Kizior 1
  1. PRO ARS, LODZ, WA, Poland

BACKGROUND: For cancers of the breast, cervix, and colon (three of the five leading causes of cancer death worldwide), regular screening can reduce mortality .Unfortunately, screening participation is variable , even in health systems with adequate resources. 

AIM: What are the common barriers that are perceived as a big impediment to participate in regular screening and If cultural differences play a role in cancer screening behavior in a culturally diverse population

METHODS: To systematically review the literature on perceived individual barriers and benefits associated with participation in screening studies aimed at preventing cervical cancer, the methodology Cochrane Group, from the period between 1979 and January 2011. Revision of the database: Medline, Academic Search Premiere, Psych-info, Psych-Lit.

RESULTS: Obtained 655 publications, with abstract in English. Pre-101 publications were selected that meet the criteria for inclusion. Then evaluated 4 quality publications using the indications TREND, which led to the emergence of 66 publications, of at least average methodological quality.The participants were between 66 and 66426 women; in 13 studies (24%) participated at least 1,000 women. In Eastern Europe, published so far only four studies that raised the barriers and benefits of participating in cytological screening. Each of them covers only a select few barriers (4 to 10) in advance therefore restrict the analysis of the reasons why women decide not to do cytology. Rated as the highest number of barriers and benefits (total 67). Furthermore, no known research projects us in the world were not involved in this, what barriers may be particularly important for particular groups of women, which are separated of demographic and social variables.

SUMMARY: Little is known about what factors influence women to participate in trials designed for women at high risk for cervical cancer. There have been no systematic cross-national research in this area.